hello, world!

meow! 😺

my name's Ryan, feel free to poke around my blog!

this website looks and feels like a windows 8 application :D

i like the javascript programming language. reload this page and see what happens!

i like everything related to software, especially FOSS (free and open-source software).

if you'd like to submit an idea, hit me up at 17lifers@proton.me.

stay tuned for more posts from me!

peace out! ✌️

which web browser do you use?

which browser do you use?

the majority of the web browsers are based on Chromium, including Opera, Brave, and Microsoft Edge.

Chromium has basically won the browser war, but there are still some alternatives like Firefox (Gecko) and Safari (WebKit).

which web browser do you use? let me know!

  • Chromium (Brave, Chromium, Chrome, Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based), Opera, Vivaldi)
  • Gecko (Firefox, Waterfox, Librewolf, Pale Moon, Basilisk, SeaMonkey, Tor Browser, GNU IceCat, Iceweasel, TenFourFox)
  • WebKit (Safari, Epiphany, rekonq, Midori, QupZilla/Falkon, Konqueror, Otter Browser, GNOME Web, surf)
  • text-based (Lynx, w3m, eLinks, Links, Links2, Browsh)
  • Internet Explorer (you're a legend if you still use this, as this website was designed to work on IE)
  • other (Dillo, NetSurf)

i'd normally tell you to comment below, but Disqus has trackers everywhere, so let's not use that.

as an alternative, you can voice your thoughts on the GitHub Discussions page.

happy browsing! 🌐

what's your favorite programming language?

what's your favorite programming language?

programming languages are like spoken languages, but for computers.

there are many programming languages out there, but some are more popular than others.

markup languages like HTML and Markdown are not programming languages, but they are used to create websites and documents.

some popular programming languages include:

  • Rust
  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • C++
  • C#
  • Java
  • Go
  • Ruby
  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  • Kotlin
  • Automation languages (Bash, Batch, PowerShell, AppleScript)
  • Assembly languages (x86, ARM, MIPS, PowerPC, SPARC, etc.)

let me know at GitHub Discussions what your favorite programming language is!

happy coding! 🖥️